The Way Here
“The tougher the journey, the more beautiful the destination”

Email or DM us on social media. Feel free to ask any questions you might have about the tours, process on getting here, or the Island.

After you select which type of tour you would like to go on (WILD, COMFY or VCP) and your dates; You will begin the process of getting here by sending us a small down payment and a picture of your passport.
These necessities will be used to secure your tourist visa and flight from Abu Dhabi to Socotra.
The flight leaves once a week, on Tuesdays from Abu Dhabi to Socotra DIRECT. Usually around 09:30am.

Visa time! We apply for your visa with the information given. All you have to do is sit back and relax. *Your visa will arrive via email 2 weeks before departure to Abu Dhabi.

You fly to Abu Dhabi, UAE (not included) at least one or two days before your flight to Socotra. (We highly suggest arriving a day or two before to get acclimated with the time zone as well as to rest. You could explore Dubai while you wait!)
You hop on the government ran flight** from Abu Dhabi to Socotra that we book for you.***
- *We handle the visa for you. The fee covers all the logistics, paperwork and man power it takes to obtain. You will receive it within two weeks of your departure. You could try and do it yourself but we highly suggest against this. Takes a while and you’re not guaranteed to get approval. With us, it’s guaranteed. We have never had anyone declined in over 13 years of obtaining visas.
- **The above flight won’t be found online and you can’t book it for yourself! (Don’t worry, we tried as well the first time we came)
- ***Hopefully in the future the flight situation will change but for right now it’s what everyone has to do. Even us!