The Island


Socotra is an otherworldly island located off the coast of Yemen in the Arabian Sea. This remote and stunning destination has been dubbed the “Galapagos of the Indian Ocean” for its
incredible biodiversity and unique landscape, shaped by millennia of isolation.

The History

The history of Socotra dates back thousands of years, with evidence of human presence dating back to the Neolithic era. Over the centuries, the island has been ruled by various
civilizations, including the Persians, Portuguese, and British. Today, Socotra is part of Yemen and is a UNESCO World Heritage site

The Flora

What sets Socotra apart from other islands is its distinctive flora and fauna, with over 700 species found nowhere else on earth. The most iconic plant on the island is the dragon’s blood
tree, with its umbrella-shaped canopy and blood-red sap. Other notable plants include the cucumber tree, bottle tree, and desert rose. As for animals, Socotra is home to a number of
endemic species, such as the Socotra cormorant, Socotra grosbeak, and Socotra golden-winged grosbeak, as well as the rare and elusive Arabian leopard

The People

The native people of Socotra are known as the Soqotri and have a rich culture and traditions that have been passed down for generations. They have their own language, which is
spoken by around 50,000 people, and a unique way of life that revolves around fishing, herding, and agriculture. Visitors to Socotra can immerse themselves in the local culture by
staying in traditional guesthouses, trying local cuisine, and participating in cultural activities

Fun Facts

Fun facts about Socotra include that it was once believed to be the location of the Garden of Eden, and that it is one of the most biologically diverse places on earth. The island is also
home to the world’s largest population of the Egyptian vulture and has been used as a filming location for a number of movies and TV shows.

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