The Story
The Story
We like to say that Tour Socotra started all the way back in 1986 when our owner and co-founder Yahya Banafrar was born in the village of Hadiboh.
He grew up on the island, went to grade school there before starting as a tour guide on Socotra in 2004. In 2011 he started Tour Socotra with his uncle Ahmed. However, at that time, he realized he needed to learn more about hospitality and tourism so he proceeded to leave the island to further his education. He graduated with his bachelor’s degree in Hospitality of Management from the University of Sunderland in the UK. But despite his experience abroad, being exposed to the western societies, he couldn’t wait to get back to the island to show his family and friends what he learned about tourism and how to apply it his home.
He returned after graduating in 2015 to apply what he experienced abroad. He then proceed to help numerous tour agencies on the island get started but never really gave much thought into starting his presence online. Call it fate, chance, the universe, God, Allah, whatever you choose or believe in but earlier this year in 2023 he met two people, Roza and Sky who were looking for this type of opportunity.
Roza is a polish girl who has spent most of her life travelling the world. She organizes trips for people already via her Social Media so stepping into the role of online manager was easy for her. Sky is a former hospitality guy as well, earning his degree from USC in 2015 also. He handles the advertising and sales aspect.
Yayha, together with our drivers, guides, Roza and Sky make up an unstoppable team!